Thursday, March 8, 2012

5?!?! Really?!?!?!

Today my big girl turns 5.  Really?!?!?!  I can hardly believe it!!!  I will annoy myself today by reminding myself to "savor these moments" because it really does go by fast. 

I remember it like it was yesterday.  It was the morning of March 8th, 2007, a Thursday, and I was 5 days past my "guess date".  I went that morning for an OB appointment with my midwife and, as expected, I got the induction talk.  Desperately wanting a natural birth and to avoid an induction (yup I am one of "those women"), I gave the OK for a cervix check.  Upon hearing that I was already 4cm dilated, I agreed let my midwife sweep my membranes a bit.  I figured it was better that than all of the more invasive interventions that may come if I did not go into labor on my own by Monday.  After that fun, I went on to work.  I knew that if I went home "to rest" I would just dwell on what was to come and would make myself anxious and irritable (well, more irritable than most 40+ weeks pregnant woman is typically). 

I spent the day tying up loose ends, preparing for maternity leave, and it was all in all uneventful.........................that is until about 4:00PM.  I was sitting in a meeting when a contraction hit.  I had had plenty of BH contractions, but this one was completely different.  It took me a little off guard.  Not wanting to alarm my colleagues, I calmly finished out the meeting and headed for my office.  By 4:30 I had had a couple more of these contractions and so I decided to head home.  On the way home I called my hubby and my mom to let them know what was up.  I had several more contractions on the way home, a few making me rethink my decision to drive myself home.  My hypnobirthing training was kicking in, however.  I was sort of living in denial that this was the real thing and I was really relaxed and calm.  I honestly hardly remember the drive home lol! 

So, I arrived home, the Hub meeting me in the drive, and decided to hop in the tub to see if the warm water would make the contractions go away.  On the contrary, they intensified!  I won't bore you with all of the details, but at some point, the Hub decided it was time to go to the hospital.  We called mom and the midwife on the way.  That 30 minute car ride was so incredibly intense - the contractions coupled with the bumps in the road were shaking my focus a bit and I was beginning to truly feel......dare I say it.........the dreaded "P" word.  (Those of us who are into hypnobirthing pretty much remove the word "pain" from our vocabulary.)  As we were nearing the hospital, I began to feel an urge to bear down. 

The Hubs and I walked together up to the L&D floor at about 7:00is pm where I was determined to be in labor (duh!) and at about 7ish cms dilated.  Woohoo!  At 8:14 pm Madelynn was gently brought earth side - right into her daddy's hands.  Yup, you heard it right: first baby - a little over 4 hour labor.  It was the most amazingly empowering experience of my life and I was immediately in love.

Today Madelynn is an incredibly smart, energetic, hilarious, and beautiful 5 year old.  She challenges me in ways I never knew possible and and brings me joy that I never knew existed.  I'll say again: I never knew love until I met that little girl.

So............happy birthday Madelynn!  Mommy and Daddy love you more than words could attempt to express! 

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