Monday, August 27, 2012

A Big ASK Message

The word evangelism has always had negative connotations for me.  It conjures up images of used-car-salesman looking guys in expensive suits, smacking people on the head and begging for money; or tight-laced and judgmental religious folks pushing their beliefs on others.  It makes me think of Tammy Faye Bakker (God rest her soul) with her mascara running down her face, and door-to-door “salesmen” pushing their pamphlets and their way to heaven.  ***shiver***

Recently, through my amazing church and gifted Pastor, Perry Noble, I have come to have a new understanding and appreciation of evangelism.  Not only are we called to share our faith in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ, with others, but it is our responsibility to ASK our friends and family, to beg them, to drag them if we must, to meet Jesus.  It is not because we, as Christ followers, want to force our beliefs on others.  That’s not it at all.  It’s that we have a deep and profound love for people and we want know that our friends and family will spend eternity with us in heaven.

For me, and I am sure for most other Christians, there is another motivation.  For whatever reason, this might be a bigger motivation for me than any other.  I want the people I care about to experience the joy and peace that I have felt since I stopped running from God and I accepted Christ as my Savior.  I spent a lot of years, running, confused, searching, empty.  I spent a lot of time depressed, anxious, angry, overwhelmed, discouraged, hating myself, and hating life. 

Ever since I began a real relationship with Jesus, my life has dramatically changed.  My relationship with The Hubs is better.  I am a better mother to my amazing daughters.  I am less anxious, depressed, and afraid.  It is astounding the peace and joy that come with trusting that God has my back and knowing that He loves me no matter what I do or have done! 

Now I will be honest.  Life is not suddenly all butterflies and rainbows and people skipping happily around like deranged characters in a Broadway musical.  There is still a lot of ugliness in the world and life is still really hard.  There are still bills, and disagreements, and sleepless nights, and illnesses, and chores.  The thing is that the little things just don’t seem like big things anymore, and the big things really seem doable.  I know that God wants to bless me.  He wants greater things in and for my life.  He will never abandon me.  He has brought me through some really, really hard times to this place where I am in life today where He can use the not so good for the good.  I know how awesome I am and it is because God made me to be me and to live this life for His glory.  There really is no greater joy than that.

So, to my friends and family: I’m not going to stop praying for you or ASKing you to come to church with me.  Even if it frustrates you or makes you angry with me.  I love you and I want greater things for you!

I must give credit where credit is due and note that my big ASK title and the inspiration for this blog comes from Pastor Perry Noble and New Spring Church.  Check it out at      

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