Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Before, I go any further, I need to introduce two very special little people, especially because they will probably be a big part of this blog.  They are my world, my everything, and knowing them has changed me in ways I never knew were possible.

All rise for the Royal Highnesses: Princess Madelynn and Princess Isabella!

This photo was taken in November 2011: Madelynn age 4 and Isabella 5 months.

Obviously, these two precious little girls are my daughters and while they challenge me in every way, they bring so much joy to my life.  Let me tell you a little bit about them.  I will try to be brief, but like most moms, when I get started talking about my kids, I can go on and on.

Madelynn will be 5 in March.  I call her my little miracle.  I found out I was pregnant with her on my 29th birthday, just when I had almost given up hope of conceiving a child on my own.  We had been trying for a few years, off and on, with a couple of breaks to regroup, especially after a devastating loss in January 2004.  As a matter of fact, the Hubs and I were vacationing at one of our favorite places, Seabrook Island, and had spent the morning, first on an early morning beach horseback ride, then on a beach stroll discussing our options - our next steps - for having a child, on the day I got a positive home pregnancy test.  Needless to say, I was shocked when I saw those two pink lines and I proceeded to take countless more tests over the next several days, just to be sure it wasn't a dream.

Nine-ish months later, after a 4ish hour all-natural labor, Madelynn arrived.  I never knew such love, such strength, such exhilaration, such agony until that day.  Birth was an amazing experience for me - one I might talk more about later - one that showed me how much power I really have as a woman.

Madelynn was a challenging baby from pretty much day 1.  She had "colic" - she cried pretty much 24/7 for 3+ months, she didn't sleep, she constantly needed to be held, and pretty much any new situation or person or stimuli in general completely freaked her out.  Caring for her as an infant showed me again how much strength I truly possess.

To keep it brief, we will fast forward a few years.  We have had some easier roads with Madelynn.  She spoke her first word ("look") and then words and then sentences very early.  She walked right at 12 months.  She learned baby sign language at 12-ish months.  She very easily learned to potty on the big girl potty at 2.  She knew her shapes, colors, ABCs, numbers (in English and Spanish), and more before age 2.  At 3 she began writing letters, including her name.  At 4 she is beginning to read and writing more and more sight words.  I could go on and on about how incredibly smart and talented she is, as well as how caring, courageous, strong, and hilarious!  

Because of the issues Madelynn had as a baby, as well as continued difficulty with sleep, agitation, hypersensitivity, difficulty controlling herself, and high energy, the Hubs and I decided to take her to a doctor and psychologist for some testing this past Fall.  Long story short, Madelynn received a "diagnosis" of being extremely intelligent/gifted (*surprise surprise*) and of ADHD.  After my own exploration, I have decided that while she may in fact have ADHD, I believe she really has a Sensory Integration Disorder - which, by the way, is not a "real" diagnosis just yet and seems to be quite controversial in the medical world (which I don't usually fit into - will probably post more on that at some other time).  Because of this, we likely have a long road ahead of us with school and such, but I am prepared to support her and advocate for her any way I am able.

On to Miss Isabella, who was born in June 2011.  (I must note that the Hubs and I find it fascinating that Madelynn was born exactly a week before his birthday and Isabella was born exactly a week before mine!)  When the Hubs and I decided to start trying for another baby, we really didn't expect to be blessed with another one, after all of the difficulties we had before conceiving Madelynn.  At the very least, we expected it to take a long time.  We took the "if it happens, it happens" attitude and stopped birth control in the beginning of September 2010.  I saw those miraculous two pink lines again on October 2, 2010!  Again I was shocked beyond belief.

My belly - April 2011 (photo taken by Mandy Clyburn)
Today Isabella is 7 1/2 months old, she is doing the typical 7 1/2 month old things like starting to sit up on her own, and her little personality is beginning to blossom.  She is pretty much the polar opposite of her sister: laid back (though watch out if she is hungry or tired or not getting her way) and kind of lazy.  Where Madelynn has blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, Isabella has dark hair - almost black - and brownish-greenish-goldish eyes.  Like her big sister, however, Isabella is hilarious and beautiful, and she has the power to melt her mommy and daddy's hearts with her big smile and bright eyes! 

I never knew love until I knew these two little girls.

Well, I guess that is enough for now.  This is longer than I wanted it to be, but it is impossible to really abbreviate a description of the most precious gifts one could ever receive.

I close with another quote, authour unknown, until we meet again:

"No One Else Will Ever Know The Strength Of My Love For You After All, You're The Only One Who Knows What My Heart Sounds Like From The Inside."

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